1. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
8.0 |
Anatomy (227265)
Hladnik, A.
130 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Cell biology with genetics (173123)
Nikuševa Martić, T.
90 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
9.0 |
Chemistry (227268)
Fabris, D.
75 | 1 | INFO | |
0.5 |
Physical education I (174499)
Vadjon, I.
60 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
6.0 |
Physics (173111)
Serec, K.
60 | 1 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 1. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 1. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
English/Croatian (227269)
Silađin, L.
30 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 | First aid (227271) * | 15 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Information technologies in dental medicine (227273)
Illeš, D.
25 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Introduction to dental medicine (227274)
Vodanović, M.
15 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Oral hygiene (227270)
Negovetić-Vranić, D.
15 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project I (232476) | 0 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
2. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
8.5 |
Anatomy (227265)
Hladnik, A.
130 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
9.0 |
Biochemistry (227266)
Mlinac Jerković, K.
75 | 2 | INFO | |
5.0 |
Cell biology with genetics (173123)
Nikuševa Martić, T.
90 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
2.0 |
Ethics (240369)
Simeon, P.
30 | 2 | INFO | |
0.5 |
Physical education I (174499)
Vadjon, I.
60 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Social medicine and epidemiology (227267)
Brkić, H.
30 | 2 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 1. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 1. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
English/Croatian (227269)
Silađin, L.
30 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 | First aid (227271) | 15 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Information technologies in dental medicine (227273)
Illeš, D.
25 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Introduction to dental medicine (227274)
Vodanović, M.
15 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Oral hygiene (227270)
Negovetić-Vranić, D.
15 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project I (232476) | 0 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
3. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
5.0 |
Clinical microbiology (259524)
Tambić-Andrašević, A.
60 | 3 | INFO | |
8.0 |
Histology with embryology (240492)
Mitrečić, D.
80 | 3 | INFO | |
2.5 |
Immunology (241557)
Šamija, I.
30 | 3 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Pathology (241565)
Vučić, M.
111 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
0.5 |
Physical education II (184101)
Vadjon, I.
60 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
6.0 |
Physiology (240490)
Žižak, M.
120 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Tooth morphology with dental anthropology (241561)
Brkić, H.
105 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 2. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 2. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
English/Croatian II (241638)
Silađin, L.
30 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
History of dental medicine (241641)
Dumančić, J.
15 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Infection prevention and control in dental medicine (241644)
Tambić-Andrašević, A.
12 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Introduction to dental management (241640)
Verzak, Ž.
15 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project II (232477) | 0 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Social media in dental medicine (250856)
Viskić, J.
20 | 3, 4, 5, 6 | INFO | |
4. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
2.0 |
Cariology (184091)
Negovetić Mandić, V.
15 | 4 | INFO | |
2.5 |
General radiology (184096)
Zadravec, D.
38 | 4 | INFO | |
4.0 |
Occlusion (241564)
Alajbeg, I.
45 | 4 | INFO | |
5.0 |
Pathology (241565)
Vučić, M.
111 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
0.5 |
Physical education II (184101)
Vadjon, I.
60 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
6.0 |
Physiology (240490)
Žižak, M.
120 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
5.0 |
Tooth morphology with dental anthropology (241561)
Brkić, H.
105 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 2. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 2. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
English/Croatian II (241638)
Silađin, L.
30 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
History of dental medicine (241641)
Dumančić, J.
15 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Infection prevention and control in dental medicine (241644)
Tambić-Andrašević, A.
12 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Introduction to dental management (241640)
Verzak, Ž.
15 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project II (232477) | 0 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Social media in dental medicine (250856)
Viskić, J.
20 | 3, 4, 5, 6 | INFO | |
5. semester, 3. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
3.0 |
Dental materials (195678)
Viskić, J.
30 | 5 | INFO | |
2.5 |
Dental radiology (195516)
Zadravec, D.
30 | 5 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Infectious diseases (214544)
Lepur, D.
30 | 5 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Internal medicine (195381)
Pintarić, H.
105 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
2.0 |
Neurology (195368)
Bašić Kes, V.
30 | 5 | INFO | |
2.0 |
Ophthalmology (195684)
Iveković, R.
30 | 5 | INFO | |
2.0 |
Pathophysiology (195683)
Herceg, D.
75 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Pharmacology (195371)
Peroš, K.
75 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
4.0 |
Preclinical and laboratory fixed prosthodontics (195680)
Ćatić, A.
105 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
4.0 |
Preclinical and laboratory removable prosthodontics (195681)
Illeš, D.
105 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Preclinical restorative dental medicine (195682)
Marović, D.
120 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 3. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 3. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
Occupational diseases in dentistry (252528)
Vodanović, M.
19 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project III (232478) | 0 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Smoking and oral health (252529)
Alajbeg, I.
15 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Social media in dental medicine (250856)
Viskić, J.
20 | 3, 4, 5, 6 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Statistics in dental medicine (252530)
Kujundžić Tiljak, M.
30 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
6. semester, 3. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
4.0 |
Internal medicine (195381)
Pintarić, H.
105 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
4.0 |
Pathophysiology (195683)
Herceg, D.
75 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Pharmacology (195371)
Peroš, K.
75 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
4.0 |
Preclinical and laboratory fixed prosthodontics (195680)
Ćatić, A.
105 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
4.0 |
Preclinical and laboratory removable prosthodontics (195681)
Illeš, D.
105 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Preclinical restorative dental medicine (195682)
Marović, D.
120 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 3. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 3. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
Occupational diseases in dentistry (252528)
Vodanović, M.
19 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project III (232478) | 0 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Smoking and oral health (252529)
Alajbeg, I.
15 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Social media in dental medicine (250856)
Viskić, J.
20 | 3, 4, 5, 6 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Statistics in dental medicine (252530)
Kujundžić Tiljak, M.
30 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
7. semester, 4. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
Anesthesiology and reanimatology (212389)
Peršec, J.
23 | 7 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Fixed prosthodontics I (212396)
Milardović, S.
105 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
2.0 |
Introduction to pediatric dental medicine (243719)
Glavina, D.
30 | 7 | INFO | |
2.0 |
Oncology and radiotherapy (212392)
Fröbe, A.
30 | 7 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Pediatrics (212391)
Žaja, O.
30 | 7 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Preclinical oral surgery (212394)
Granić, M.
35 | 7 | INFO | |
4.0 |
Preclinical periodontology (212395)
Božić, D.
45 | 7 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Removable prosthodontics I (212397)
Petričević, N.
105 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Restorative dental medicine I (206635)
Tarle, Z.
90 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Surgery (212393)
Zovak, M.
90 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 4. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 4. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
Dental photography (270151)
Jakovac, M.
15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Forensic dental medicine (270152)
Brkić, H.
30 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 | Gynecology and obstetrics (270153) * | 15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Introduction to scientific work I (270155)
Anić, I.
15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Occlusion and function (270154)
Pelivan, I.
30 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Pain (270150)
Bašić Kes, V.
15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project IV (232479) | 0 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Toohpaste preparation (212408)
Šutej, I.
15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
8. semester, 4. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
4.0 |
Dermatovenerology (212399)
Šitum, M.
45 | 8 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Fixed prosthodontics I (212396)
Milardović, S.
105 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Preclinical endodontics (212398)
Jukić Krmek, S.
45 | 8 | INFO | |
2.5 |
Psychiatry and psychological medicine (212400)
Matošić, A.
30 | 8 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Removable prosthodontics I (212397)
Petričević, N.
105 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Restorative dental medicine I (206635)
Tarle, Z.
90 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Surgery (212393)
Zovak, M.
90 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 4. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 4. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
Dental photography (270151)
Jakovac, M.
15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Forensic dental medicine (270152)
Brkić, H.
30 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 | Gynecology and obstetrics (270153) | 15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Introduction to scientific work I (270155)
Anić, I.
15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Occlusion and function (270154)
Pelivan, I.
30 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Pain (270150)
Bašić Kes, V.
15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project IV (232479) | 0 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Toohpaste preparation (212408)
Šutej, I.
15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
9. semester, 5. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
3.5 |
Clinical periodontology (226954)
Aurer, A.
105 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Endodontics I (226953)
Matijević, J.
105 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Fixed prosthodontics II (226949)
Jakovac, M.
120 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Oral medicine I (239397)
Vidović Juras, D.
23 | 9 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Oral surgery I (226948)
Biočić, J.
90 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
2.5 |
Otorhinolaryngology (231547)
Geber, G.
45 | 9 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Pediatric dentistry I (226951)
Jurić, H.
90 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Preclinical orthodontics (226956)
Meštrović, S.
45 | 9 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Removable prosthodontics II (226950)
Ćelić, R.
120 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
2.5 |
Restorative dental medicine II (226952)
Tarle, Z.
90 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
2.5 |
Temporomandibular disorders - diagnosis and therapy (226957)
Alajbeg, I.
30 | 9 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 5. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 5. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
Career development in Dentistry (251699)
Badovinac, A.
15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.5 | Cervicofacial pathology (228212) * | 15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Clinical digital communication with dental laboratory (243131)
Knezović-Zlatarić, D.
30 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Clinical pharmacology (228218)
Peroš, K.
15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Dental care of medically complex patients (228226)
Alajbeg, I.
15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Introduction to scientific work II (228227)
Anić, I.
15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Management of endodontically treated teeth (228223)
Carek, A.
15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Ocular Surface Diseases and Oral Mucosa Involvement (228211)
Petric Vicković, I.
15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project V (232480) | 0 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.5 | Psychostomatology (228224) | 15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
10. semester, 5. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
3.5 |
Clinical periodontology (226954)
Aurer, A.
105 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Endodontics I (226953)
Matijević, J.
105 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Fixed prosthodontics II (226949)
Jakovac, M.
120 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Oral surgery I (226948)
Biočić, J.
90 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Pediatric dentistry I (226951)
Jurić, H.
90 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Removable prosthodontics II (226950)
Ćelić, R.
120 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Restorative dental medicine II (226952)
Tarle, Z.
90 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 5. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 5. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
Career development in Dentistry (251699)
Badovinac, A.
15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.5 | Cervicofacial pathology (228212) | 15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Clinical digital communication with dental laboratory (243131)
Knezović-Zlatarić, D.
30 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Clinical pharmacology (228218)
Peroš, K.
15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Dental care of medically complex patients (228226)
Alajbeg, I.
15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Introduction to scientific work II (228227)
Anić, I.
15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Management of endodontically treated teeth (228223)
Carek, A.
15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Ocular Surface Diseases and Oral Mucosa Involvement (228211)
Petric Vicković, I.
15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project V (232480) | 0 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
1.5 | Psychostomatology (228224) * | 15 | 10, 9 | INFO | |
11. semester, 6. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
5.5 |
Endodontics II (239229)
Baraba, A.
60 | 11 | INFO | |
6.5 |
Maxillofacial surgery (239264)
Knežević, P.
75 | 11 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Oral medicine II (239194)
Vidović Juras, D.
83 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
5.5 |
Oral surgery II (239228)
Zajc, I.
105 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
6.0 |
Orthodontics (239196)
Meštrović, S.
135 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Pediatric dentistry II (239263)
Jurić, H.
60 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 6. year
=> Elective courses for the 6. year |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
Clinical Hospital Dentistry/Special Care Dentisty (248085)
Vidović Juras, D.
20 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Dental medicine v_2.0: Digital technologies (245077)
Ćatić, A.
26 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Dental microscope (275745)
Jakovac, M.
19 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Fundamentals of esthetics in dentistry (242950)
Knezović-Zlatarić, D.
15 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Management in dental medicine (248080)
Simeon, P.
15 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Orofacial genetics (275746)
Škrinjarić, T.
15 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
12. semester, 6. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
5.0 | Comprehensive dental practicals (239265) | 500 | 12 | INFO | |
4.0 | Graduate thesis (239266) | 30 | 12 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Oral medicine II (239194)
Vidović Juras, D.
83 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
4.0 |
Oral surgery II (239228)
Zajc, I.
105 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
6.0 |
Orthodontics (239196)
Meštrović, S.
135 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Pediatric dentistry II (239263)
Jurić, H.
60 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 6. year
=> Elective courses for the 6. year |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
Clinical Hospital Dentistry/Special Care Dentisty (248085)
Vidović Juras, D.
20 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Dental medicine v_2.0: Digital technologies (245077)
Ćatić, A.
26 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Dental microscope (275745)
Jakovac, M.
19 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Fundamentals of esthetics in dentistry (242950)
Knezović-Zlatarić, D.
15 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Management in dental medicine (248080)
Simeon, P.
15 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Orofacial genetics (275746)
Škrinjarić, T.
15 | 11, 12 | INFO |
1. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
8.0 |
Anatomy (227265)
Hladnik, A.
130 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Cell biology with genetics (173123)
Nikuševa Martić, T.
90 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
9.0 |
Chemistry (227268)
Fabris, D.
75 | 1 | INFO | |
0.5 |
Physical education I (174499)
Vadjon, I.
60 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
6.0 |
Physics (173111)
Serec, K.
60 | 1 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 1. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 1. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
English/Croatian (227269)
Silađin, L.
30 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 | First aid (227271) * | 15 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Information technologies in dental medicine (227273)
Illeš, D.
25 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Introduction to dental medicine (227274)
Vodanović, M.
15 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Oral hygiene (227270)
Negovetić-Vranić, D.
15 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project I (232476) | 0 | 1, 2 | INFO |
2. semester, 1. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
8.5 |
Anatomy (227265)
Hladnik, A.
130 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
9.0 |
Biochemistry (227266)
Mlinac Jerković, K.
75 | 2 | INFO | |
5.0 |
Cell biology with genetics (173123)
Nikuševa Martić, T.
90 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
2.0 |
Ethics (240369)
Simeon, P.
30 | 2 | INFO | |
0.5 |
Physical education I (174499)
Vadjon, I.
60 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Social medicine and epidemiology (227267)
Brkić, H.
30 | 2 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 1. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 1. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
English/Croatian (227269)
Silađin, L.
30 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 | First aid (227271) | 15 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Information technologies in dental medicine (227273)
Illeš, D.
25 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Introduction to dental medicine (227274)
Vodanović, M.
15 | 1, 2 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Oral hygiene (227270)
Negovetić-Vranić, D.
15 | 1, 2 | INFO |
3. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
5.0 |
Clinical microbiology (259524)
Tambić-Andrašević, A.
60 | 3 | INFO | |
8.0 |
Histology with embryology (240492)
Mitrečić, D.
80 | 3 | INFO | |
2.5 |
Immunology (241557)
Šamija, I.
30 | 3 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Pathology (241565)
Vučić, M.
111 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
0.5 |
Physical education II (184101)
Vadjon, I.
60 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
6.0 |
Physiology (240490)
Žižak, M.
120 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Tooth morphology with dental anthropology (241561)
Brkić, H.
105 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 2. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 2. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
English/Croatian II (241638)
Silađin, L.
30 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
History of dental medicine (241641)
Dumančić, J.
15 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Infection prevention and control in dental medicine (241644)
Tambić-Andrašević, A.
12 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Introduction to dental management (241640)
Verzak, Ž.
15 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project II (232477) | 0 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Social media in dental medicine (250856)
Viskić, J.
20 | 3, 4, 5, 6 | INFO |
4. semester, 2. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
2.0 |
Cariology (184091)
Negovetić Mandić, V.
15 | 4 | INFO | |
2.5 |
General radiology (184096)
Zadravec, D.
38 | 4 | INFO | |
4.0 |
Occlusion (241564)
Alajbeg, I.
45 | 4 | INFO | |
5.0 |
Pathology (241565)
Vučić, M.
111 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
0.5 |
Physical education II (184101)
Vadjon, I.
60 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
6.0 |
Physiology (240490)
Žižak, M.
120 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
5.0 |
Tooth morphology with dental anthropology (241561)
Brkić, H.
105 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 2. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 2. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
English/Croatian II (241638)
Silađin, L.
30 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
History of dental medicine (241641)
Dumančić, J.
15 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Infection prevention and control in dental medicine (241644)
Tambić-Andrašević, A.
12 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Introduction to dental management (241640)
Verzak, Ž.
15 | 3, 4 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project II (232477) | 0 | 3, 4 | INFO |
6. semester, 3. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
4.0 |
Internal medicine (195381)
Pintarić, H.
105 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
4.0 |
Pathophysiology (195683)
Herceg, D.
75 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Pharmacology (195371)
Peroš, K.
75 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
4.0 |
Preclinical and laboratory fixed prosthodontics (195680)
Ćatić, A.
105 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
4.0 |
Preclinical and laboratory removable prosthodontics (195681)
Illeš, D.
105 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Preclinical restorative dental medicine (195682)
Marović, D.
120 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 3. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 3. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
Occupational diseases in dentistry (252528)
Vodanović, M.
19 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project III (232478) | 0 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Smoking and oral health (252529)
Alajbeg, I.
15 | 5, 6 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Social media in dental medicine (250856)
Viskić, J.
20 | 3, 4, 5, 6 | INFO |
8. semester, 4. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
4.0 |
Dermatovenerology (212399)
Šitum, M.
45 | 8 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Fixed prosthodontics I (212396)
Milardović, S.
105 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Preclinical endodontics (212398)
Jukić Krmek, S.
45 | 8 | INFO | |
2.5 |
Psychiatry and psychological medicine (212400)
Matošić, A.
30 | 8 | INFO | |
4.5 |
Removable prosthodontics I (212397)
Petričević, N.
105 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Restorative dental medicine I (206635)
Tarle, Z.
90 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Surgery (212393)
Zovak, M.
90 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 4. year
=> Ukupna grupa za predmete na 4. godini |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
Dental photography (270151)
Jakovac, M.
15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Forensic dental medicine (270152)
Brkić, H.
30 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 | Gynecology and obstetrics (270153) | 15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Introduction to scientific work I (270155)
Anić, I.
15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Occlusion and function (270154)
Pelivan, I.
30 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Pain (270150)
Bašić Kes, V.
15 | 7, 8 | INFO | |
1.0 | Project IV (232479) | 0 | 7, 8 | INFO |
11. semester, 6. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
5.5 |
Endodontics II (239229)
Baraba, A.
60 | 11 | INFO | |
6.5 |
Maxillofacial surgery (239264)
Knežević, P.
75 | 11 | INFO | |
3.5 |
Oral medicine II (239194)
Vidović Juras, D.
83 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
5.5 |
Oral surgery II (239228)
Zajc, I.
105 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
6.0 |
Orthodontics (239196)
Meštrović, S.
135 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Pediatric dentistry II (239263)
Jurić, H.
60 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 6. year
=> Elective courses for the 6. year |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
Clinical Hospital Dentistry/Special Care Dentisty (248085)
Vidović Juras, D.
20 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Dental medicine v_2.0: Digital technologies (245077)
Ćatić, A.
26 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Dental microscope (275745)
Jakovac, M.
19 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Fundamentals of esthetics in dentistry (242950)
Knezović-Zlatarić, D.
15 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Management in dental medicine (248080)
Simeon, P.
15 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Orofacial genetics (275746)
Škrinjarić, T.
15 | 11, 12 | INFO |
12. semester, 6. year | |||||
ECTS | Mandatory courses | Workload | Sem | INFO | |
5.0 | Comprehensive dental practicals (239265) | 500 | 12 | INFO | |
4.0 | Graduate thesis (239266) | 30 | 12 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Oral medicine II (239194)
Vidović Juras, D.
83 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
4.0 |
Oral surgery II (239228)
Zajc, I.
105 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
6.0 |
Orthodontics (239196)
Meštrović, S.
135 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
3.0 |
Pediatric dentistry II (239263)
Jurić, H.
60 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
ECTS | Elective courses for the 6. year
=> Elective courses for the 6. year |
Workload | Sem | INFO | |
1.0 |
Clinical Hospital Dentistry/Special Care Dentisty (248085)
Vidović Juras, D.
20 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.0 |
Dental medicine v_2.0: Digital technologies (245077)
Ćatić, A.
26 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Dental microscope (275745)
Jakovac, M.
19 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Fundamentals of esthetics in dentistry (242950)
Knezović-Zlatarić, D.
15 | 11, 12 | INFO | |
1.5 |
Management in dental medicine (248080)
Simeon, P.
15 | 11, 12 | INFO |
(*)Course is currently not active
(***)Course is active in other academic year