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Basic Information


Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry
Gundulićeva 5, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Founded in 1958.

Head of Department: prof. dr. sc. Hrvoje Jurić

Tel: , Fax: +385 1 4802159


Employees and Courses

Full Professor
Title Name and surname Phone num. Phone priv. e-mail Location
prof. dr. sc. Walter Dukić +38514802110 132 e-mail C-1-3
prof. dr. sc. Kristina Goršeta +38514802110 221 e-mail  
prof. dr. sc. Dubravka Negovetić-Vranić +38514802110 221 e-mail  
Associate Professor
Title Name and surname Phone num. Phone priv. e-mail Location
izv. prof. dr. sc. Tomislav Škrinjarić 212 e-mail A-3-12
Title Name and surname Phone num. Phone priv. e-mail Location
Jelena Bagarić e-mail  
Petra Bučević Sojčić e-mail  
Marin Lozić e-mail  
Full Professor With Tenure
Title Name and surname Phone num. Phone priv. e-mail Location
prof. dr. sc. Ivana Čuković Bagić +38514802110 216 e-mail A-3-16
prof. dr. sc. Domagoj Glavina +38514802110 221 e-mail A-3-21
prof. dr. sc. Hrvoje Jurić +38514802110 102 e-mail C-1-2
prof. dr. sc. Željko Verzak +38514802110 216 e-mail A-3-16
Title Name and surname Phone num. Phone priv. e-mail Location
Siniša Benko e-mail  
Sanja Bojić e-mail  
Hrvojka Rabuzin Sabolčec e-mail  
Milena Ravlić e-mail  
Iva Sučić e-mail  

Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry

Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry was founded in 1958 during the reorganization of teaching in general medicine and dental courses within the Department of Odontology, Faculty of Medicine. In December 1960, Dr. Oskar Stern is qualified for the title of Assistant Professor on Paediatric dentistry. Faculty Council Faculty of Medicine, at the meeting on 30th September 1961 year, chose Assistant Professor Oscar Stern for the first Head of the Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry. This function held until his retirement on 31st August 1973. Dr. Stern was the first professor of paediatric and preventive dentistry in Croatia. He became an Associate Professor of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry on 11th April 1968, and a Professor on July 12th 1971.

Through the efforts of teachers on Department of Dentistry, most of all Assistant Professor Oscar Stern, on October 1st 1961 was established the University Dental Clinic as a part of Department of Dental Medicine, University of Medicine. The clinic was operated at the location in Gunduliceva 5. Associate Professor Oskar Stern was the founder of the University Clinic and its leader from the start. That date started a new era in clinical dentistry. Foundations were laid for a new clinical hospital which has continued the activities of clinical dentistry and which will soon turn into a modern dental clinic, independent teaching base of our School of Dental Medicine.

Today, in an integrated undergraduate and graduate studies in the Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry are taught the following courses: Paediatric dentistry, Oral hygiene, Orofacial genetics, General and social dentistry and Neglect and abuse of children. Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine and University Dental Clinic Zagreb unites health, teaching and scientific research activities in the field of paediatric dentistry. The Department is also carried out postgrad courses in paediatric and preventive dentistry.

Professors from Department for Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry are lecturing courses at postgraduate doctoral and specialist studies. The courses at doctoral study are: "Evaluation of biologically active agents for the prevention of dental caries" by Prof. Hrvoje Juric, "Epidemiology of dental erosion in adolescents" by Prof. Ivana Cukovic-Bagic, "Testing of dental materials in paediatric dentistry" and "Dental Materials in paediatric dentistry" by Prof. Domagoj Glavina, "Epidemiology of caries activity in adolescents" by Prof. Zeljko Verzak and "Evaluation of clinical and preventive methods of treatment of caries" by Prof. Walter Dukic.

Courses  at specialized studies are: "Disease prevention of the hard dental tissue" by Prof. Hrvoje Juric, "Dental Treatment of medical risk patients" and "Protection of (dental) neglected and abused child" by Prof. Ivana Cukovic-Bagic, "Dental Materials in paediatric dentistry" by Prof. Domagoj Glavina, "Fear and anxiety in paediatric clinical practice: diagnosis, prevention and therapy" by Prof. Martine Majstorovic and "Modern techniques of diagnosis and treatment of dental caries in paediatric dentistry" by Prof. Walter Dukic.